Pinay Homeschooler Shop
Year-Long Count and Cover Mats Growing Bundle
Regular price
As a special appreciation gift to all of you, I'm thrilled to introduce a Growing Bundle featuring YEAR-LONG COUNT AND COVER MATH ACTIVITIES!
Here’s everything you need to know about this fantastic Growing Bundle deal:
- The bundle starts at just $1, but this exclusive price is only available until January 2. After that, as new sets are introduced, the price will increase.
- Each month, you will receive two variations of themed-counting mats in a theme. These mats are perfect for creating engaging learning opportunities and will enhance your counting skills in a fun and interactive way.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity! This money-saving bundle is my way of thanking you for your incredible support!
Please remember that this Growing Bundle currently contains no activity files. I will keep you updated as new files are released, or you can check the schedule for updates!
Themes and schedule of release:
- JANUARY Winter set - available now
- FEBRUARY Valentines set -available now
- MARCH Weather set - available now
- APRIL Spring set -available now
- MAY Spring set -March 31
- JUNE Summer set - March 31
- JULY Summer set -March 31
- AUGUST Apple set - April 30
- SEPTEMBER Autumn set - April 30
- OCTOBER Halloween set - July 31
- NOVEMBER Harvest set - July 31
- DECEMBER Christmas set - July 31