Safari Toob Pets Preschool Kindergarten Activity Pack
This is a Montessori-inspired learning activity designed to go along with the Safari Toob Pets Animals educational toob toy. This is designed for preschoolers, prek, kindergarten and first-grade students and perfect for the Montessori environment.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Get ALL the 16 Activity Toobs by purchasing the BUNDLE. PLUS, YOU WILL GET SURPRISE FREEBIES WITH THE BUNDLE! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
You will love the high-quality real images that are used in this set.
This set covers the following animals: iguana, lop-eared rabbit, cat, corgi, goldfish, parakeet, turtle, hedgehog, hamster, mouse, ferret, frog
What you will get:
✔️ Pets Toob Presentation Cards for vocabulary
✔️ Beginning letter sound clipcards
✔️ Counting syllables
✔️ Pets Puzzles
✔️ Skin cover matching activity
✔️ Diet. Learn whether the animal is herbivore, carnivore or omnivore
✔️ Animal classification BINGO game. Identify whether the animal is mammal, reptile, bird, fish or amphibian or an invertebrate
✔️ Tracing lines (wild-themed) for early writing and fine motor practice
✔️ Cutting strips for fine motor practice
✔️ Word and tracing strips (learn how to write each of the animals' name)
✔️ Measuring cards (measure the animals using 2cm snapcubes)
✔️ Montessori-inspired Pets Animal cards and counters (learn whether the count is odd or even)
✔️ Ten/Twenty Frames counting activity
✔️ Montessori-inspired pets counting strips. Learn the progression of each number from 1-10, similar to Montessori Counting Rods
✔️ Less, More and Equal (comparing numbers/quantity)
✔️ Pets Patterning
✔️ Comparing Sizes: identify and sort small, medium and large sizes
✔️ Pets Animals Toob Themed Dolch Sight Word Cards: PreK, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade
✔️ Letter Tracing Cards
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